Taking Your Practice Off The Mat

This is NOT a newsletter where I send you only ads, try to sell you a pass or give you the latest discounted offering.

In this newsletter I’ll share thoughts and reflections of how yoga and mindfulness can provide tools to help navigate all that life has to throw at you. Sometimes with grace and ease. Sometimes with a well placed scream-out-loud f-bomb. And sometimes with a good solid cry while watching the movie Garden State (don’t judge; it’s a thing for me!).

Along the way I will also share resources to help you along your journey.



1-2 times a month(-ish… if I am keeping myself together ha!) I write a blog post that explores various reflections on the practice of yoga, mindfulness, and movement. You can read them all here

I draw inspiration from books, podcasts, conversations, and the random everyday life experiences and encounters that provide inspiration. Maybe its when I lose the studio keys (again), try relish for the first time in a decade, need to make big life decisions, or navigate life’s uncomfortable moments.

I send these reflection posts in my email newsletter straight to you. The newsletter also includes other ways to share the practice with you including:

  • guided audio meditations

  • short videos of practice suggestions

  • deeper reflections

  • community updates

  • referrals to my friends in the yoga community

  • and more!

All of it straight from my heart to you as a way of offering additional resources to support you on your journey when you can’t make it into class.
